Over Geodan_als onderzoeker.jpg

Limitless pioneers

Our location intelligence approach is more relevant than ever before. And we seize all those new opportunities on the horizon... with both hands. We continuously use our curiosity and resourcefulness to develop impactful applications for a smarter, safer, and more sustainable world.

Resourceful, optimistic, driven

Customers describe us as clever boys and girls. We’re proud of that. At Sogelink (formerly known as Geodan), we’re just resourceful, but optimistic and driven, too. That’s how we find value in every location. Our resourcefulness gives us wings and lets us be limitless location intelligence pioneers, driving us to tackle the issues of the future. After all, if you want to make the world a better, more efficient place, just like we do, you have to understand that world first.

Building a sustainable country faster

case - Digital twin Amsterdam Zuidoost

Sogelink (formerly known as Geodan) doesn’t shy away from hard science. In fact, we have our own research and development department, where a team of experts investigates how we can use new knowledge and insights for new possibilities and applications of location intelligence on a daily basis. These are some of the developments we’re following especially closely:

  • Internet of Things
  • Big Data
  • Virtual reality
  • 3D Data
Knowledge and Innovation