Producten&diensten incidentmanagement openbaar vervoer

Resolving incidents safely and efficiently

The system for incident management in public transport

The Dutch public transport system is an ingenious network: trains, trams, and buses connect seamlessly, with millions of people depending on this form of transport every day. As such, it’s very important that any incidents are resolved efficiently. To this end, Geodan developed the Public Transport Incident Management System.

All-round communication

Thanks to the incident and crisis management system for public transport, all parties involved can take a net-centered approach when responding to an incident, which involves everyone getting the same picture of an incident quickly and simultaneously. From fire department to ambulances and from salvagers to the central government and other authorities. The control room forms the connecting link: it is notified first and initializes the process. The control room then informs the required parties via the platform. The right people receive the necessary information directly on their tablet, mobile, or desktop.

Structured process

The incident and crisis management system functions as a funnel. The process starts with a series of pre-programmed questions geared towards the incident in question. Thanks to smart geotechnology, the system can quickly draw conclusions based on the answers. Did the incident occur in a station? Is there a suburb in the area? Will we encounter toxic materials? And what about accessibility? The system quickly rolls out the most important conclusions: which emergency services are needed and what is expected of them?

Necessary overview

The Public Transport incident and crisis management system is built on a single platform, which has a lot of advantages. All parties involved have continuous insight into the process, ensuring that incidents can be solved safely and efficiently. Aside from that, all communication is saved. That’s useful, because choices, communication, and actions happen in quick succession when responding to an incident. This leaves little time to evaluate the process on the spot, but the platform supports easy retrospective evaluation after the incident has been resolved. That way, you’ll know exactly what you can improve upon next time.

The pros

Public Transport Incident Management System

  • Insight

    All parties have insight at all times
  • A net-centered approach

    everyone gets the same picture, quickly and simultaneously
  • Communication

    Handy overview of all communication during the incident
  • Evaluation options

    Good evaluation options because all information is saved.
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Resolving railway incidents more efficiently

In order to solve malfunctions and incidents on the track as quickly as possible, all parties involved must cooperate efficiently. To do so, they need good, current information. The smart information and communication platform SpoorWeb facilitates that. The system even works preventively.


case - Spoorweb
Products and services


Geodan offers handy tools for the Public transport sector.

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Our datasets and services offer all sorts of valuable information, ranging from insight into the number of stories in a building to predicting stop times.