Producten&diensten Crisismanagement waterschappen

Grip on crisis situations

From fires to dike breakthroughs: many different parties are needed to resolve a crisis or incident. Water boards communicate with the police, national government, safety region, and fire department, among others. And that takes time. With the Incident and Crisis Management System (ICMS), information is shared with all parties involved in real time.

Real-time information

ICMS is based on a net-centered approach, which means that all parties are constantly aware of the current status of an incident or crisis. They receive information via a desktop, tablet or phone, thus preventing parties from seeking one-on-one contact, while other parties make sub-optimal decisions without this information. The ICMS makes collaboration more efficient, faster, and more reliable. And after an incident or crisis, you can look back and evaluate the entire process one more time. What went well? What can be improved?

Structured process

The process always starts with a notification. All data is collected and entered using a situation-dependent request script. In addition, all parties involved will also quickly receive an overview of the crisis situation and an automatic notification. You can even add extra parties, such as chain partners. The ICMS enables water boards to deal with an incident or crisis as quickly as possible and to limit the damage wherever possible.

Intelligent use of locations

Location intelligence is an important part of the solution, as it ensures that all relevant location data of the incident is available in advance. From meteorological information to demography and industry. This allows you to immediately take into account all essential aspects, such as a shifting wind causing the fire to spread out, dangerous substances in the vicinity of a dike breach, or a nursing home that needs to be evacuated.

The pros

Why ICMS by Geodan?

  • Less damage

    Less damage and fewer victims thanks to faster, well-informed decisions
  • Relevant information

    Relevant information available in real time
  • More efficient resolution

    More efficient resolution thanks to meticulous communication
  • The overall picture

    The overall picture available for all parties involved

Targeted response to water calamities

The crisis team of the Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier (HHNK) water board responds to water-related problems immediately. Geodan’s crisis management system immediately provides the right information about the affected location and the type of incident, allowing the team to target specific goals.

case - HHNK watercalamiteiten.jpg
Products and services


Geodan offers handy tools for the water boards sector.

All products
Our datasets and services offer all sorts of valuable information, ranging from insight into the number of stories in a building to predicting stop times.
Sogelink's (formerly known as Geodan) 3D Subsurface literally and figuratively makes the subsurface transparent, viewable and accessible, and the measures to be implemented become transparent.